TTEC Digital - AWS Practice

Sydney, Australia | 300 個專案 | 10 項認證
TTEC Digital - AWS Practice specialises in the design and delivery of Amazon Connect, a cloud-based enterprise contact centre solution used around the globe and are uniquely focused on helping businesses improve customer engagement, while maximising the benefits of the cloud.

We partner with the best in the market to deliver dynamic interactions for customers. We are experts in deploying Amazon Connect as well as other Amazon products that focus on creating intelligent interactions across all channels.

Our expertise is focused on AI & natural language automation, chatbots, CTI/CRM, enterprise integration, user experience design, analytics and workforce optimisation. Combined with best practices and a proven methodology in deploying Amazon Connect, we have the right mix of expertise and innovative solutions to make your vision a reality.


Development Services
System Integrator
CX Consultant
App Developer
Implementation Partner
Solution Provider
Referral Partner
Business Service Provider



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