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Zendesk 2020 年客戶體驗趨勢報告


  • 74% 的客戶對某個特定品牌或公司感到忠誠

  • 52% 的客戶表示,會特別去購買自己喜歡的品牌

But loyalty must be cultivated and maintained—and without the right care, it’s easily lost. Influenced by each step of the experience that customers have with your company, from marketing promotions to the transparency of pricing models, and from the ease of the sales cycle to the quality of your customer service, loyalty also extends to the experience that customers have within your actual products or services. Our survey findings underscore this reality. With the Zendesk Benchmark, our data index of 45,000 companies using Zendesk, we explored how top companies provide experiences that keep customers returning and the best practices that separate the leaders from everyone else.

You can also get your personalized Customer Experience Performance Scorecard here.

The full report includes

  1. 對於客戶與企業互動時所持期望的關鍵調查結果

  2. 2020 年客戶體驗行業的 5 大趨勢

  3. 來自從競爭對手中脫穎而出的領先企業的基準資料

Zendesk 2020 年客戶體驗趨勢報告