
Article 5 min read

Mass email marketing is not dead: tips for winning

Over the past couple of years, we’ve heard mixed messaging as-to the effectiveness of mass email marketing. Some say it’s the technique of yesterday. Others don’t bother investing in email promotion at all, favoring social media. But is it the case? Is mass email marketing the past? Not at all.

按: Marketing Team Leader at GrowthDot Olya Kurinna

最後更新: March 27, 2023

Let’s start with a brief reminder on what mass email marketing is and what it aims to achieve.

What is mass email marketing?

Also known as bulk email marketing, mass email marketing is a promotion technique where advertisers send out a single email to a large audience in hopes to convert prospects into closed sales.

Why is mass email marketing helpful?

A report by McKinsey suggests that emails are 40 times more effective than social media in persuading new customers. This stat is further empowered by the fact that in 2020 alone, around 306.4 billion emails were sent and received daily. There’s even tangible evidence that this engagement rate will increase as platform preference is expected to grow to 4.6 billion global users in 2025 (according to a report by Statista).

Email marketing as a channel is too big to ignore, but the sheer number of users isn’t its only benefit. According to a report issued by the DMA, email marketing is capable of generating around 42% ROI.

How mass email marketing is different from other strategies

Taking conventional marketing strategies and comparing them to email advertising and it is clear that the latter wins. In terms of customer interaction, install base, and purchase habits, emails are twice as effective and engaging as comparable channels.

There are roughly 2.35 billion social media users, and 4.15 billion email users suggesting that the overall engagement number is higher in comparison.

Around 73% of millennials preferred email as their primary means of business communication, and only 48% of Americans used social media to contact their favorite brands. This divide is further widened by the fact that 37% of American citizens don’t trust media companies when it comes to data protection.

And finally, a better deal, roughly 60% of respondents stated that they prefer to get promotions via email.

How mass email marketing has evolved

Over the last ten years, mass email marketing has evolved tremendously, especially with the advent of a global pandemic. In 2010, opening and reading emails was once a PC desktop activity only, but now we have a mobile app for that. Messaging trends have evolved beyond recognition.

In 2011 we got our first glimpse of responsive emails that allowed marketers to effectively target both mobile users and desktop audiences without sacrificing quality. This was later followed by the integration of CSS and HTML that paved the way to interactive, animated emails.

Today, emailing platforms leverage machine learning and automation to deliver content on a scale and personalized. People are tired of seeing the same old messaging, meaning variety is at the top of all priorities. Diversification of visuals is also vital to the success of the marketing campaign.

Types of successful mass emails

When executing a mass email marketing campaign, focusing on simple messages isn’t enough. Your business needs to invest in the content format as well. Here are types of mass emails to focus on and develop.

  • Develop your newsletter

  • Product/service promotion

  • Event invitations

  • Product updates

How to kickstart your mass email campaign

Your email, whether it’s a newsletter or an event invite, is a canvas that you can tailor to cater to your audience as much you like. But to take full advantage of the presented space, you need to make sure to:

  • Make your subject line catchy
    We suggest that you first create the message and then make up a catchy subject line. A good tagline can make or break the email.
  • Keep your email short and focused on a single point
    Nobody likes long emails. If you are sending out a wall of text, it will be closed, sent to the spam, and you’ll never hear back from that prospect. Structure your email in a way that is easy to read. Furthermore, pack as much info into as few words as you can but don’t make it sound like a fact sheet.
  • Segment your recipients
    Before you hit the send button, make sure you segmented your recipients into different groups. This will allow you to track individuals preferences of different groups. Segmentation also allows you to qualify data.
  • Get rid of spam words
    Today, spam detecting mechanisms are so good that they don’t just detect words but can read between the lines. Ensure that your email is natural- and factual-sounding.
  • Make sure the emails look great on phones
    Today, people use their phones more than their PCs. You must optimize your messages for them to be viewable on smaller devices just as effectively as on large displays. If you don’t know what exactly is needed, Zendesk has an excellent guide.
  • Use calls to action
    If you aren’t calling to action, trust me, your customer won’t either. Incentivize, persuade, and reward your consumers for following your brand and opening your emails.
  • Track and analyze the engagement statistics
    Information is everything, and if you aren’t using it, you are doing your marketing blind. See how well your prospects respond to your messages, what are their engagement rates, and whether other messages work better.

GrowthDot and Zendesk in partnership

Technology helps you generate not just revenue but more value for your customers. Specialized tools paired with excellent automation capabilities can help breed results never before possible.

GrowthDot’s Proactive Campaigns for Zendesk Support can help you segment customers into target lists, perform personalized follow-up campaigns in just a few clicks. And that all is possible directly from your Zendesk Support instance.

The age-old method of sending out the same email to hundreds of people doesn’t work. If you do email marketing correctly, the results will speak for themselves. Specialized email tools will help you operate on a scale too. Mass email marketing is the technique to double-down on in 2023, but only if you do it right.

Learn more about how GrowthDot and Zendesk work together to support your company’s success.


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